Kudos To NDOT! First of all, have you noticed how good the roads in Nevada are? Come on. Thank you Nevada Dept of Transportation!
Second, thank you to all you people who tirelessly keep the main highways open on the snow and ice days. A better job I have not seen when it comes to safe roads in snowy conditions.
And here's the cherry on top. You can download a GREAT free app from the app store for either an iPhone or an android: Nevada 511 This is a GPS map that gives you real-time highway camera access, shows delays and hazards, weather, and lots of other stuff. This is a must-have app if you're traveling through Nevada, especially in the winter time.
AND, if you are braving Highway 80 or 93 in the winter weather, come stay with us in Wells. We have a warm, safe, comfortable, smoke-free room for you. You can reserve right here.
www.sharonmotelwells.com Safe travels, everybody!
William Hoopes